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Early Childhood at The Chestnut Hill School

Beginners, Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten

Students are curious and joyful in CHS Early Childhood classrooms, where a multidimensional program provides a range of perspectives and experiences that help develop empathy, communication, self-regulation, and collaboration within and beyond the classroom. CHS’s intentional choice of diverse authors provides an early grounding in literacy skills, while helping students to recognize differences, see themselves reflected in the curriculum, and develop a sense of agency. Whether they are learning about abilities and adaptations, heritage and identity, or change makers in society, our youngest learners gain a strong sense of themselves and the world around them. Students entering our Beginners (Preschool) program must be 3 years old by September 1 and be fully potty trained. Pre-Kindergarten students must be 4 years old by September 1, and Kindergarteners must be 5 years old by September 1.

We position students to be kind today, conscious tomorrow.

Librarian Erin Piper leads a Beginners class in the library during storytime.

We guide students to think big, and grow slow.

CHS teachers accomplish this through a rich and varied selection of texts and vocabulary, specific author studies, and hands-on book making projects. Our math curriculum encourages students to persevere in problem-solving, take risks, and apply mathematical skills to make sense of the world around them. CHS students use mathematical modeling, comparison, sorting, graphing, and recognizing patterns to build a strong foundation of numeracy and a love of math. Our special subject offerings provide a range of opportunities for students to pursue their passions, engage in active learning, and showcase cross-curricular connections. 

Our Early Childhood Program

Read more about each subject area covered in Early Childhood classrooms.

Signature Projects

Early Childhood

Social-Emotional Learning

With a focus on empathy, communication, and self-regulation, our intentional Social-Emotional Learning begins with recognizing our emotions and the emotions of others. Students utilize calming strategies and demonstrate kindness for others as they work toward responding to the needs of others and learning to be Upstanders. Whether students are learning to build friendships and compromise, transition to new activities, or resolve conflict in appropriate ways, these SEL tools serve students for a lifetime. 

Learning Partners

Joyful learning abounds in our Learning Partner program. Our Early Childhood students are partnered with Upper School students as they learn and grow together. For our young learners, this is a unique opportunity to work with older students to play, read, write, and create. The students follow the same learning partner for multiple years, when possible, and the connections endure along with the confidence, sense of security, and belonging that is built through these experiences. 

Beyond the School Day

Extended Day

CHS offers after school care daily. 

Learn more

Summer at CHS

Summer at CHS helps families to engage their children year round. 

Learn more

A young student plays with a tub of kinetic sand.